
Frequently Asked Questions

The benefits of vitamin D to the skin +
• Vitamin D plays an important role in protecting skin health and rejuvenation.
• It contributes to the growth and repair of skin cells.
• Strengthens the skin's immune system and helps eliminate free radicals that can cause premature aging.
Research shows that there is a relationship between vitamin D and acne. Acne may be indicative of vitamin D deficiency.
• Vitamin D repairs skin damage, prevents infections from skin injuries and rejuvenates the skin.
Vitamin D3 contains powerful anti-inflammatory properties that are effective in the treatment of burns, skin injuries, skin damage and stretch marks. For this reason, our professionals added vitamin D in the BeautyGlow formulation to meet the nutritional reference value 100%.
The benefits of vitamin E to the skin +

It fights wrinkles. Vitamin E plays a big role in fighting wrinkles and other signs of aging
Grows hair
3. Softens dry skin
Heals cracked lips
Reduces scars and cracks
Extends the nails
Improves skin inflammation
Vitamin E is a half-life vitamin. The amount used in BeautyGlow has been formulated with an additional dose to meet the nutritional reference value by 100% until the expiration date.

Benefits of Vitamin C to the Skin +

Vitamin C, which is among the water-soluble vitamins; In the name of a healthy life and skin health, it is among the necessarily vitamin in the daily food list. When not enough vitamin C is taken, the body starts signaling immediately. Because vitamin C increases body resistance and its deficiency is felt in a short time. This vitamin, which has important contributions in our general health, must be taken in sufficient quantity in order to have healthy skin. The most important of vitamin C's benefits to the skin is its anti-aging effect. Since it is a water-soluble type of vitamin, vitamin C is an essential / vital vitamin that should be taken every day. Because without being stored by the body, it is excreted through the urine and sweat within the same day. The additional dose of 125% vitamin C used in BeautyGlow interacts perfectly with D and E to show its positive effects on the body.

These effects are mainly;
Vitamin C slows the formation of wrinkles and helps keep the moisture of the skin at an optimum level. Thus, the destructive speed and power of aging effects are reduced.
Vitamin C takes an active role in its regeneration to the skin. Vitamin C is used in the synthesis of collagen that provides decrease in wrinkles. If you want to get rid of acne scars, vitamin C will come to your rescue.
It is possible to fight vitamin C against free radicals in the body caused by sun, air pollution and stress during the day. When vitamin C works especially with vitamin E, the negative effects of sun rays on the skin are minimized.
Vitamin C facilitates iron absorption. The optimum iron level adds shine to the skin.
Vitamin C facilitates the effect of vitamin D indirectly; thus contributes to the skin glow.
One reason why the skin looks pale may be getting sick constantly. The reason for this is the weak immune system. Vitamin C strengthens the immune system and minimizes the chances of a person getting sick.
Vitamin C is quite effective on substances that affect skin color, helps to even out skin tone. Therefore, especially in the removal of detention bruises

Vitamin H (Biotin) +

The contributions of vitamin H (biotin) to our beauty;

Vitamin H is known to primarily stop hair loss except genetic. There are sources stating that it provides benefits especially for malnutrition, air pollution, weak hair follicles and dry hair. Apart from its benefits, the hair loss process is accelerated  if it is missing in the body.
Biotin is one of the vitamins that are not stored in the body and provides energy to the body. Biotin, which is used during the metabolism of sugar, releases chemical energy. In its deficiency, muscle pains, weakness, cramps may occur due to the lack of energy caused by the inability of the sugar to be used properly by the body. It is used in the synthesis of fats and carbohydrates. It also helps the functioning of the central nervous system. Neurological diseases, growth problems and skin problems may occur in biotin deficiency.
Another symptom seen in biotin deficiency is various skin problems. The reason for this is that biotin is necessary for the production of some enzymes used during the processing of fat in the body. When these enzymes are not produced enough, fatty acids cannot be synthesized and skin cells, like other cells, cannot be renewed. As a result, white patches, excessively dry areas may appear on the skin, and the skin may generally look pale.
We do not exaggerate if we say that the nails prevent breaking and support the synthesis of keratin and act as a beauty vitamin with bright and healthy skin, hair and nails.

Benefits of Zinc to the Skin+

Problems occurring on the skin increase with aging. In order to slow down the skin problems, zinc has an amazing antiseptic feature on the skin and cell renewal. As such, repair and shine of skin cells can be achieved with zinc mineral. The most important of the benefits of zinc to the skin is the activation of various enzymes and co-enzymes during the creation of cells. In this case, very effective results have been obtained in removing and repairing zinc skin diseases. Zinc is an indispensable element for our skin, which has been determined to be our largest organ, as well as our general health, and it has been used in BeautyGlow to meet 70% of the reference value. 70% is the  optimum doses were approved by Health Authority. Although it can be given in higher amounts like other elements and minerals, Zinc's heavy metal formation and toxic effect by accumulating in the body played an effective role in the selection of this dose in Beautyglow.

Beauty is not just a problem with the Skin

For this reason, our experts did not forget to add two more basic building blocks to the formula that protect and improve our overall health.
The first is Selenium. We call it “The Element of Life”. Let's take a look at what Selenium can do and the proven benefits determined by the authorities.

Benefits of Selenium to the Skin +

8 Benefits of Selenium :

* A very powerful antioxidant. It protects our cells from oxidizing (corrosive and aging, corrosive) damages of free radicals.
* Increases immunity power. It is thought to achieve this effect by activating glutathione.
* The biggest friend of thyroid health. It protects the thyroid against autoimmune attacks. In this way, it prevents the disease of hepatoma.
* It reduces the risk of cancer. It especially reduces the risk of breast, large intestine and prostate cancer. It achieves this by protecting DNA from free radical damages and strengthening immunity.
* It reduces the possibility of cardiovascular disease. It achieves this superior strength by reducing inflammation.
* Supports memory. By protecting the nervous system from oxidative damage, Parkinson can reduce the possibility of multiple sclerosis, Alzheimer's. Supports memory.
* It can increase reproductive power in men. Adequate selenium levels improve sperm function in men.
* It also works in asthma.

In addition to the Element of Life, and without the Vitamin of Beauty, our formulation could not be completed. so we used Biotini, known as the Element of Beauty aslo known as  B7 or vitamin H, in a fully optimized dose.
Let's look at the benefits of this vitamin for our beauty;
Biotin  is known to primarily stop hair loss except genetic. In particular, there are sources stating that it provides benefits for malnutrition, air pollution, weak hair follicles and dry hair. Apart from its benefits, the hair loss process accelerates even if it is missing in the body.
Biotin is one of the vitamins that are not stored in the body and provides energy to the body. Biotin, which is used during the metabolism of sugar, releases chemical energy. In its deficiency, muscle pains, weakness, cramps may occur due to the lack of energy caused by the inability of the sugar to be used properly by the body. It is used in the synthesis of fats and carbohydrates. It also helps the functioning of the central nervous system. Neurological diseases, growth problems and skin problems may occur in biotin deficiency.
Another symptom seen in biotin deficiency is various skin problems. This is because biotin is necessary for the production of certain enzymes used during the processing of fat in the body. When these enzymes are not produced enough, fatty acids cannot be synthesized and skin cells, like other cells, cannot be renewed. As a result, white patches, excessively dry areas may appear on the skin, and the skin may appear pale in general.
It does not exaggerate if we say that the nails prevent breaking and support the keratin synthesis and act as a beauty vitamin with bright and healthy skin, hair and nails.
BeautyGlow is the only formula that offers all essential vitamins and elements that are proven to be effective not only on your skin, but also on your overall body health and appearance. We call Beauty Glow  “Drinkable Youth” because of all these features.